What in the world is going on in this world today???
Many folks are baffled, bewildered or perplexed.
Jehovah (He who causes to become) supplied a beautiful place for the inhabitation for human dwelling. A place that has natural elements that supplies all needs for all habitants.
It is a shame and a dirty disgrace the way many humans are destroying the planet with greed, neglect, and out and out disrespect of such a beautiful gift that was bestowed upon us.
Say it’s not so…
We’re headed towards self-destruction.
Pollution, crime, disrespect, dis-loyalty, the love of money instead of the love of God, greed and hate; just to name a few, has taken on an all time high.
It has been said that “laws are made to be broken.” I don’t know how true that statement is, or if I really agree with it. I know that rules are broken on a daily basis; however, I don’t believe that rules should be broken to behave in a malicious, destructive , or selfish manner.
Case and point…
This picture below displays the consequences of laws broken by reckless drivers.
The above, is the exact depiction of the chaos which appears to have consumed far too many of us. Now mind you, this picture is also a metaphor of the chaos done within many aspects of daily life which is caused by the human race. Understandably during these days and times, it may be quite difficult to keep your head.
Keep Your Kool.
Don’t Lose Your Head
Where is the LOVE people? Where is the LOVE?
Make sure that you give exorbitant love on a daily basis.
I know, I know. It’s easier said than done.
Just did it!!!
Everyone and everything is moving at a fast pace, including the earth. Due to less weight on the poles caused by refreezing and melting of ice caps on the world’s tallest mountains, this has caused the earth to rotate at a faster rate.
The distractions of living in a world which operates rapidly, has resulted with individuals taking life for granted. The majority of the human population function with a sound mind and sound body. How often when things go awry, do people focus on their misfortune instead of their fortune?
It is very easy to lose your focus and lose your way
When was the last time that you’ve literally stopped to smell the roses?
A precious gift from God that was intended for ALL to enjoy!!!
It is very unfortunate that the world has become sooo intolerable, that many wealthy individuals have gone to the moon (or out of space), just to check out if it can be inhabited by humans, and what quality of life they could acquire.
Talking about fast paced while leaving us in the dust…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the rise. It is rapidly replacing the uses of humans, but made by humans.
Things that make you go hmmm..
My personal belief is that Jehovah will not, I repeat, will not ever allow man to inhabit any other planet other than the one (earth), which is designated by our creator Jehovah for us.
This is how strongly I feel about my opinion….I’ve put a major emphasis on my thoughts!!!
The beauty of this fiasco is that,“It’s not over until God says it’s over.”
I suppose He’ll be the “fat lady singing!”